Become a Dealer

Programming Network

Receive high quality support and gain new technologies with access to solutions and innovation

Our success depends on your success

As a member of our dealer network, you receive timely and comprehensive support through setup, operations and execution so that you become a front end pro! As we develop you will also receive updates from us and together we will find solutions to challenges. As everything becomes more and more practiced you will see the growth potential for your business.

We are available through multiple communication channels and ideally will set up a whatsapp group so that images, videos and more efficient communication can be had when teaching and finding solutions. We also offer screen sharing through much of the early learning “hand holding” phase – you are never without support with Xtremetuning.

The service we can offer you

Our dedicated team of ECU software experts modify and provide top quality tunes, and with the newest vehicles we are always thinking of ways to improve, adjust and develop to ensure optimal outcomes. With over 20 years of software programming experience, our team will educate you with our vast amount of knowledge and experience, which covers more than the average tuning application. This also includes tips and tricks that can only be learned through the years of experience we have.

Tuning and coding can be done on just about any internal combustion application, and depends on the variant and model year of the vehicle, ECU hardware and software, and other technologies involved for operations:

Our general dealer hours are:

During these hours you will have our top quality support and dedication.
We are your background angels and you are the experts in the front end. We practice discretion and are not here to take any success for the efforts your business and brand achieves.

Dealer Onboarding Process

Our Tuning Process

Step 1

Read ECU

Select the right ECU programming tool for the job, and read the ECU firmware from the vehicle.

Step 2

Upload File

Visit our File Service, create a new job and upload the ECU firmware that you just read out with your ECU programming tool.

Step 3


We create a tune file based on your requirements and send out a notification email to you. You download the tune file and write it onto the vehicle’s ECU with the programming tool.

Dealer Contact Form

    Name *

    E-mail *

    Mobile number *

    City *

    Do you already run an automotive business? *

    Business name

    NZBN Number


    That’s it for the moment, please let us know if you have any immediate questions email or call us – we are here to help.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    No, you don’t have to do the hard work; we handle it all for you. If you can operate a laptop and locate the diagnostic ports, you’re good to go. Our tools for reading and writing ECUs/ECMs come with comprehensive on-screen instructions.
    Xtremetuning has the potential to boost your business’s profitability and attract new customers to your existing venture. Our services not only enhance customer relationships but also contribute to cost savings, ultimately increasing productivity.
    Typical advantages encompass elevated horsepower, increased torque, fuel savings, quicker ground speed, and an enhanced user experience.
    Our file service support a wide range of tools. For a full list of tools visit our … page. We also keep you updated on the latest news and protocols from our tool suppliers on our latest news page.

    To begin, you’ll require a tuning tool. Our file service is compatible with various tuning tools, providing you with flexibility rather than restricting you to a single tool. We’re delighted to assist you in selecting the most suitable tool based on your needs and experience level. As your business expands, we’ll be available to support you in transitioning to a different tool if necessary.

    The following step involves registering for our file service. This is where you can upload and download the ECU files, handling current jobs, accessing job ticketing system, purchase credits for jobs and more.